Hi! My name is CMoore. My daddy found me and my brother under the dumpster at work. He couldn't resist me and immediately told my mom how special I was. Mom was reluctant to keep me because she didn't want to take care of another cat. Dad promised her he would help out more if they kept me.
I recently just found out that something is wrong with my belly and mom gives me nasty slimy stuff so I poop. She's not too happy about this and gives me lots of love, because she's scared one day I might not ever poop again. She said she was making this blog for me so she can share my cuteness with the world. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Cmoore is very ill. He has mega colon and has been in and out of the kitty hospital for over a week. At this pace Derek and I aren't sure if we can afford to keep him. We are so upset at the thought of losing our little guy. Please send positive thoughts his way!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my friend Cristina Toro sent me. Our cat Henry has megacolon we have a good regimine going. Email me if u want to discuss! Hope u can help this little one. Hanna - shinyhappyclouds(AT)yahoo.com
