Hi! My name is CMoore. My daddy found me and my brother under the dumpster at work. He couldn't resist me and immediately told my mom how special I was. Mom was reluctant to keep me because she didn't want to take care of another cat. Dad promised her he would help out more if they kept me.
I recently just found out that something is wrong with my belly and mom gives me nasty slimy stuff so I poop. She's not too happy about this and gives me lots of love, because she's scared one day I might not ever poop again. She said she was making this blog for me so she can share my cuteness with the world. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I thought everyone might enjoy Cmoore in Action!

Healthy and Spoiled!!

Cmoore has been on a special kitty diet that helps him with his "problem" now for about four months. He's doing really well.  He loves sleeping with his buddy Junebug and chasing the other kitties. Well, he tries to chase them; Cmoore doesn't move very fast.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Still cute as a button!

These days Cmoore is very well. He is doing things he has never done before. Despite his age he is still the size of a three month old kitten. He is starting to realize that there are certain things he just cannot do like the other cats. Like jump up onto the bathtub ledge.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rough Start

It has been a very rough start for Cmoore. When he first came home he didn't poop for two weeks....and then I found a foot long snake in the kitty litter box. He is on medication, which he has to stay on for the rest of his life. He is extremely active though and loves beating up the rest of the animals in the house.

                They fight over this pillow often

                    Ball of fur in my clean clothes

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

He's Home Finally

This video is short and sweet. Kind of like my little munchkin. He's getting better day by day.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Cmoore is very ill. He has mega colon and has been in and out of the kitty hospital for over a week. At this pace Derek and I aren't sure if we can afford to keep him. We are so upset at the thought of losing our little guy. Please send positive thoughts his way!